About Westminster

Water, Utilities & Taxes

Water and Utilities

The City of Westminster provides water and sewer service throughout the city.

  • COMMERCIAL WATER RATES A two-tiered rate structure ($8.79 or $10.78 per 1,000 gallons in 2025, depending on consumption levels) is in effect, with the breakpoint dependent on the account’s water budget (determined from the average of the past 10 years of water use, or the Service Commitment Agreement).
  • COMMERCIAL SEWER RATES $9.34 per 1,000 gallons for a residential single family per unit and $9.71 per 1,000 gallons for all others per unit in 2025 (average monthly water consumption billed during the sewer rate calculation period from January-March).
  • RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM $6.83 per 1,000 gallons in 2025. The system provides a dependable, drought-resistant, environmentally sound source of water for irrigation that is charged at 80% of the potable rate.

2025 Water Rate Information

Electricity and Gas Service

  • The City of Westminster is serviced by Xcel Energy. For rate information, contact Xcel Energy.


  • CITY PROPERTY TAX 3.65 Mills Total city, county, and school tax mill rates vary between 77 and 150 mills, depending on location. Contact the appropriate county assessor’s office for exact mill rates and tax calculations at Adams County or Jefferson County.
  • CITY SALES/USE TAX 3.85% Total city, county, and state sales tax is 8.35% in Jefferson County and 8.6% in Adams County.
  • COLORADO TAX 4.40% The income tax rate for corporations and individuals is 4.40%. State tax on equipment used for Biotech, R&D, and Manufacturing: None