
Thoughtful Approach to Growth

Strategies for Successful Redevelopment

The City of Westminster is nearly “built out” with no significant opportunity to annex additional land to accommodate new growth and development. This condition raises the critical importance of accommodating and prioritizing adaptive reuse and redevelopment of existing buildings and sites to ensure our city continues to thrive. Recognizing the inherent challenges of redevelopment, the City is taking strategic steps to rethink its strategy. The following resources are available for businesses and developers.



Urban Renewal
Areas (URA)


Redevelopment Toolkit

The Westminster Redevelopment and Adaptive Reuse Toolkit was created in 2023 as a collaborative stakeholder endeavor. The Toolkit is meant to highlight the areas where the City can improve its rules and regulations to support infill development, identify potential tools to better support redevelopment and adaptive reuse, and create a guide for business and property owners that details how the City supports these types of initiatives.

A group of people sitting around a desk, there are documents and a hard hat sitting on the desk. One person is pointing to the document.

Comprehensive Plan

The 2040 Comprehensive Plan outlines Westminster’s vision for the future through a framework of goals and policies that support a thriving and healthy community comprised of great neighborhoods. The plan is meant to be a living document that is updated over time to respond to changing conditions and the evolving needs of the community.

Urban Renewal Areas (URA)

In an effort to keep Westminster vibrant and responsive to community needs, redevelopment opportunities are being addressed throughout the city. The Westminster Economic Development Authority (WEDA) was created to provide a regulatory and financial vehicle for improving and redeveloping properties and facilities within defined urban renewal areas (URAs).

Accordingly, WEDA was authorized to provide funding for administration, planning and financing of revitalization and redevelopment projects. WEDA’s principal revenue sources are sales tax increment and property tax increment within each of the URAs. Westminster City Council serves as the WEDA Board of Directors.

Since its inception in 1987, WEDA has established seven URAs:

  • Holly Park
  • Mandalay Gardens
  • North Huron
  • South Sheridan
  • Westminster Center East Sub-Area
  • Downtown Westminster
Urban Renewal Areas (URA)