Area Maps

A white and blue map that provides Information about projects involving new construction, approved or under review

Proposed Developments

Information about projects involving new construction, approved or under review

A map that details Land use designation for all land within the city of Westminster

Comprehensive Plan

Land use designation for all land within the City of Westminster

A map of existing and proposed affordable housing facilities within the city of Westminster

Westminster Affordable and Workforce Housing

Existing and proposed affordable housing facilities within the City of Westminster

A current map of all Westminster zoning designations

Westminster Zoning

A current map of all Westminster zoning designations

A current map of road construction projects

Cone Zone

A current map of road construction projects

A map that helps locate Westminster’s primary retail centers and view current availability and rates

Retail Centers

Locate Westminster’s primary retail centers and view current availability and rates

A current map of Westminster commercial real estate

Commercial Development

A current map of Westminster commercial real estate