Small Business &
Entrepreneur Resources
Your One Stop Shop
Photo Credit: Garrett Brown Designs
Small Business is Big Business in Westminster
Westminster truly understands the value that small businesses bring to our community. We offer a variety of programs, services, and resources that you can use to get your business started, build momentum and realize your dreams.
How to Start a Business
Thinking about starting your own business? There’s a lot to consider, including market research, choosing a name and a location, legal structure, licensing, writing a business plan, tax questions and hiring employees.
Our team is a one-stop shop and can help connect you with the answers to all of your business questions. Below are step-by-step checklists for starting your business in the City of Westminster. The checklists cover the steps for “non-restaurant” businesses and “new restaurant” businesses that detail how to go from taking an idea-to opening your doors.

Grants & Financial Resources
The City of Westminster offers a variety of grant and scholarship programs to encourage the growth and retention of new and existing businesses. The programs provide financial assistance on a reimbursement basis to aid with needs such as making real property improvements, equipment purchases, continuing education, onboarding costs for new employees and more. To learn more, visit our Grants & Financial Resources Page.
Business Training
We recognize that training is crucial for business growth and allows a company the opportunity to adapt to changing market needs and to stay competitive. The City of Westminster, and in partnership with the North Metro Small Business Development Center, are working to create training opportunities to help meet these needs. To see upcoming sessions or to view past recordings, visit our Training Page.

Photo Credit: PA Agency
2024 Local Business Statistics
Licensed Businesses
in Westminster
new business starts
in-person visits with
local businesses
small business grant
& scholarship applicants
small business grant & scholarship recipients
Local & Regional Partners
Chamber Of Commerce

Westminster Chamber of Commerce
The Westminster Chamber of Commerce works to continuously improve the business climate and build opportunities for growth in Westminster and surrounding areas.
Economic Development Organizations
Adams County Regional Economic Partnership (AC-REP)
AC-REP is a private, nonprofit economic development business organization that services the Greater Adams County Region by supporting innovation, forging connections with local government, and leading the community toward prosperity.

Jefferson County Economic Development Corporation (JeffCo EDC)
JeffCo EDC is a public private partnership that believes the cornerstone of a healthy community is access to quality jobs. As the economic development art for Jefferson County, their investors work towards the common goal of ensuring economic vitality for their community.

Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation (MDEDC)
MDEDC works to bring together the entire nine-county Metro Denver and Northern Colorado region to promote and support the mutual growth of our region’s talent and businesses, while also recruiting new talent and new business.

Small Business Support

North Metro Small Business Development Center (SBDC)
The North Metro SBDC helps existing and new businesses grown and prosper by providing free and confidential consulting and no-cost, or low-cost, training programs.
Business Resources

Westminster companies and employee have access to several private-and public-sponsored training programs and industry associations that support continuing education in a variety of fields and industries. Below you’ll find local, county, and state resources for everything from recruiting, training, upskilling, internships and apprenticeships.
A sustainable community is a desirable place to live, work, visit and play. At the core, sustainability is about creating an economically strong, socially vibrant, and environmentally healthy community for current and future generations.
SAGE Sustainable Business Program
SAGE approaches sustainability through a business-first lens that connects your business to financial resources, technical assistance, and expertise to increase your business value through cost reduction, increased community recognition, conservation of resources, and improved competitive advantage over time. Email SAGE or call 303-658-2662 to set up an advising session and for any questions and comments.