

Our Team

The Economic Development Division is a group of seasoned and talented individuals who bring a variety of skills to the City of Westminster. While we focus on the core functions of business attraction, expansion and retention, our work begins at the intersection of business, places and people.
We understand that a vibrant and inclusive community can only be created when a holistic approach is taken toward growth and prosperity. Our affordable housing policies and programs are a step toward ensuring that our residents have options for attainable housing. Our development and redevelopment projects will feature modern amenities that our residents want, while keeping an eye on sustainable design, multi-modal transportation options and the City’s commitment to open space.
All of these efforts are helping us attract and retain a labor pool that companies are seeking.
Please feel free to contact any one of us with your questions. We look forward to working with you!
Economic Development Manager

Stephanie Troller, CEcD

Economic Development Team

Small Business Navigator

Shelby Wood, CEcD

Business Navigator

Stephanie Otte

Economic Development Officer

Matt Brandon

Community Investment Team

Housing Coordinator

Kimmie Depinto

Housing Administrator

Viviane Oliveira Del Pizzo

CDBG Technician

Shannon Picaso